life commentary, poetry, personal writings and photograpy


I am in such a haze. Man, I'm so confused. I have no more need for emotion. Blatant publicly stupidness. This wasn't the way it is. I was me, it was. Why? How? How could you just let that happen? Let it? It was a fight of death and despair beyond mind bugs and empty releases. But not much more. It did. I wondered why such a traditional slice of life wanting physics and science of sexual control and indulgence that only leads to more yellow pills of bright red spines running up and down the hall with booming thumps and slow passionate slides. Drift, drift out, you fucking ditz. Show yourself, naked and hard to the wind. Thinked and such things as they are. I have no idea but it all makes sense.
O then I continue. I know it is important. Since the beginning, I started. Named and scorned. I lost it, won a free scrap of flour and gained two pounds. I never thought it would be this way. I didn't know who it was that I am and when I did what didn't happen but started it all. Thats not right. It is important, however. I should study the wholesome breast.
I am not tired or drained. I feel. Thats about it. when. when.