life commentary, poetry, personal writings and photograpy

...the fuck?

This is ridiculous.Why am I doing any of this? Why am I still dragging along the earth's surface with nothing but my fractured mind? I have no outlet. No releases are working, nothing is coming in. Bits are slowing breaking off and dissolving in a pool of boiling piss. Life has become a dark alley nestled between cold steel walls of reality and reason. Only continuance is granted. Requests for pleasure are not only rejected, but returned as pain and degradation.
Existence is silver.
Do not talk to me, or correspond. I did not ask for any of this, nor do I deserve it. Do not ask anything of me.
You are not trusted.
I am solid, strong and broken. Purely corrupted. A sweet chewy core only found by the most gifted of somebodies.
Where is everyone?
fuck off then...